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Covid-19 Update


In our efforts to keep our patients and our staff safe and in following the updated recommendations from the American Dental Association we doing the following:

ADA latest release to all its members: “In order for dentistry to do its part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the ADA recommends dentists nationwide postpone elective procedures for the next three weeks. Concentrating on emergency dental care will allow us to care for our emergency patients and alleviate the burden that dental emergencies would place on hospital emergency departments.”

1. We are only working 2 days a week, Mondays and Wednesdays and scheduling only one patient at a time, with our focus being on emergency and necessary dental procedures.

2. During the remaining days of the week, Dr. Maha El-Sayed can be directly reached on her mobile phone # 404-272-0582 for any dental emergencies.

3. Our Employees are staying home if they are not feeling well and we kindly ask you to please do the same.

4. Whenever possible, please present to your appointment unaccompanied. We are striving to minimize the number of persons waiting in our front office area.

5. We urge patients with underlying medical conditions, immunocompromised status and our elderly patient population to defer dental appointments and exercise social distance for their safety.

6. As we have always measured your blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation levels if needed, we may additionally be checking your body

temperature as an added monitor per updated CDC, ADA and GDA guidelines.

7. We have increased our waiting and common area cleaning protocol to after every patient and/or hourly and make every effort to eliminate/ minimize any waiting time.

8. Our clinical surface cleaners are fast-acting broad-spectrum disinfectants effective against Covid-19 among other pathogens of concern and are used in the front of the office as well as the back.

9. We have removed all books and reading material from our waiting room. (Please bring your own)

10. All coffee making supplies and needs are stored in the cabinet under the coffee maker. We wash everything in a high-temperature dishwasher in the back. If you need help with anything, please let us know.

We wholeheartedly believe that we as a community, country and world will be able to come together, take all the necessary and crucial measures to conquer this pandemic.

Please stay well, diligent, safe and healthy.

Dr. Maha and the entire Team at ProEsthetic Dentistry

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